The Earth’s Eye is a story about a man who adhered to his morals in an era driven by desires. He used his professional knowledge, collected evidence, took justice into his own hand in order to punish the immoral Li Muguang. As a second-generation official, Li Muguang got a US green card in name of business, but, in fact, was a money launderer for his family. The story’s plot design and characters are relatively idealized, but with a strong critique, which reveals China’s chronic social illness.
The story features a strong satire of the school system. University teachers continue to be ridiculed, but the author also does not forget self-deprecating humor as well. Also, throughout the novel, it is difficult to mask a sense of emotional emptiness and loneliness.
Shi Yifeng, in his use of the language, inherited the “Beijing style,” but he is also skilled in incorporating the vocabulary of the Internet age. Because of his exaggerated humor, his works are very readable.
Author Profile
Shi Yifeng, born in Beijing in 1979, graduated from Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University, and received a master’s degree in Chinese literature. His works include the novel Fruits Under Red Flag and the novella No Chen Jinfang Any More, in addition to a few others.
Summer came and the school was in the exam season. I was memorizing nouns and their meanings in the library. From time to time, I would go out for a smoke and run into my classmate in the electronic information and automation department. He talked to me about China’s future and development. It turned out that when he was in the dorm hallway, he had seen me finishing a manuscript entitled “Why China Dares To Say No.” It was a cut and paste job, which I tried to exchange for my girlfriend Guo Yuyan’s and my own travel expenses. But the publisher ran away and my girlfriend left me.
Cousin Lin Lin, in the Department of Mathematics, introduced me to An Xiaonan who was very talented in science. Lin’s love for An didn’t get a response and she left the country later on. In the fourth year of university and just before graduation, An applied for an extension and began to take history classes. An’s mother, a meat factory worker who rinses intestines, rushed to the university to show her disapproval, saying that the university should not agree to her son’s intent to switch his study major. The university made an exception and arranged for the professors of both Department of History and the Department of Electronics to co-host an interview to assess which major best would suit An. An answered to history professor Shang’s questions fluently, therefore, the professor recommended him to study in both majors. However, because of the inability of history to solve contemporary issues, he called the professor “shameless” and screwed up the interview.
Li Muguang from a well-off family was especially addicted to sleep. As a result of his addiction he was frequently absent from his classes. He could even fall asleep during the military training classes for standing postures. He got into the university because his dad, a high ranking official in a large plant in the Northeast region of China, built a practice base for the school. Near graduation, Li prepared to study in the United States. For his application, he asked me a favor to write a paper for him. In return, he would pay me ¥20,000. I outsourced the job to An for only ¥5,000 Yuan, who completed the job on time. The eloquent paper was about how China’s ethical standards were continually declining. This helped strengthen the friendship between me and Li. We still kept in touch after he moved to the USA. I introduced my cousin Lin Lin to him.
After graduation, my first job was to serve as a secretary in a municipal government office. Later, I quit to join a television production company. Gradually, I was promoted to the director’s position and became a so-called “cultural hooligan”. At the suggestion of my girlfriend, my team interviewed some students who were still on campus after graduation. I went to Guajiatun to visit one of these “professional students” and accidentally discovered he was An Xiaonan. After Graduation, An listened to his mother and found a technical support job in a bank. Life had been very comfortable until he refused the president’s request to monitor employees’ mail. In An’s mind, this task was immoral, so he eventually lost the bank position. In order to make ends meet, he wrote exams for other students and became an academic ghostwriter.
I wanted to help, but didn’t know how. Li Muguang just came back from the United States. He was in good spirits and was no longer addicted to sleep. Nowadays, he is in the toy trading business. He offered An a job to establish a remote monitoring system in China, using the internet to keep an eye on his warehouse in the United States so that he could save on the huge cost of hiring Americans to operate his warehouse.
With my help, An rented an office and began his warehouse surveillance job. When An got his pay, he put it in an envelope and had me pass it to his mom whenever I got a chance to pass by H city in Hebei because his mom has poor eye sight, so she can’t read and receive money from wire transfer. I went to the H city and found An’s mother’s residence. Inside, the walls were covered with An’s awards, as well as photos of An’s late father. Li Muguang intended to return to China for investment purposes and had An accompany him to H city to find a business opportunity.
At my wedding, I saw a re-energized An. He made some money with Li, but did not wish to continue. After I asked, An said he found that Li was quite rich but his profit margin was thin so there must be problems.
Li Muguang invited himself to my son’s full-month banquet with a big gift. He suspected that An had been investigating him and that he had gathered some evidence of Li’s father’s illegal acts. He asked me to talk to An and prevent his further action. I finally understood that the purpose of his business operation was money-laundering so I refused his request. Unexpectedly, Li said he and Lin Lin were married, and if the evidence leaked out, he would retaliate, meaning he would divorce Lin Lin. As it turned out, Lin’s visa couldn’t get extended and she couldn’t have the right to stay in the U.S. She wanted to stay and desperately needed that fake marriage.
After I met An, I learned that Li Muguang chose to invest in H City and the site happened to be An’s mom’s house. The neighbors had to move out and relocate because of the demolition. He also mentioned that his father, a construction engineer, discovered the corruption in the company’s leadership, so he was framed and then committed suicide. An once again talked about “morality.” After a period of time without contact, Li Muguang called me trying to find An. The reason was that An used “the Sky Eye” as his alias on Weibo and provided evidence, exposing him and his toy company that used Barbie dolls as means to launder money. After that, An disappeared without a trace.
To appease Lin Lin, I went to the United States. On the aircraft, I encountered Shang the history professor. When I arrived in the United States, I met Guo Yuyan my former girlfriend and found Lin Lin. Surprisingly, Lin intended to go to Europe and continue to study for her second Doctoral degree. She became a rich woman through divorce. The turning point was when she received evidence of Li Muguang’s infidelity from a stranger. Although Lin did not know who sent the message, the information appeared to be from Guajiatun in Beijing.
After returning home, I went to Guajiatun, and saw the busy back of An and his blind mother. I did not say hello to him but ran away at once. Panting and looking up, I saw a surveillance camera on the lamp pole, like an eye hanging in the sky.